Purpose of multiple subnets in VPC


Are logical separation & IP address management the only purpose of configuring multiple subnets, as of Aug 2024? As I gather, everything under a VPC is restricted to communicate within itself by default & there is no difference between machines in the same subnet vs machines across subnets? You use NAT 1:1 static linking when you want to make a machine be accessible to outside, but that's pretty much it. There is no routing table or ACL or security groups to configure to define diff behavior across multiple subnets. Firewalls are only configurable on linode instances and not subnets.

Am I missing something or I got it right?

1 Reply

In the scenario where your primary interface uses VPC NAT 1:1 (ETH0) and Public IPv4 (ETH1), then yes the main use for creating/assigning different subnets would largely be logical organization by IP. If however you were to keep your ETH0 as your default Public IPv4 and assigned a VPC to ETH1, by default your subnets would be isolated from each other without additional routing/forwarding configuration.


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