Urgent: Unable to Access Server - Emergency Mode Issue

Dear Friends,

I am experiencing an issue with my Ubuntu 16 server. Upon booting, I am presented with the following message:

"give root password for maintenance (or press Control-D to continue):"

I have tried the following steps to resolve the issue, but unfortunately, none of them have worked:

1-Entered the root password for maintenance mode: I was able to log in, but I could not identify or fix the underlying issue.
2-Used Recovery Mode: Attempted to boot into Recovery Mode from the GRUB menu, but was unable to resolve the problem.
3-Pressed Control-D: Tried to continue booting, but this did not work.
Additionally, I have 4 different systems on this server as subdomains and need to ensure access to all files on these systems. Despite my efforts, I am still unable to access my server.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue as soon as possible? If there are any additional steps I should take or if there is a need for further diagnostics from your end, please let me know.

Thank you

1 Reply

What is the nature of the issue that made system maintenance necessary? Insight and inclusion of the errors you had observed prior to this issue may help provide context about what is wrong with your system.

Booting into Rescue Mode on its own is generally not a solution for issues with your system. It merely provides a safe environment to perform system maintenance or recovery when the server is otherwise unable to boot into a healthy state. Specifically, it allows you to mount and access your disks when the Linode cannot boot.

If changing the kernel didn't help boot your system, it's possible that you have an issue with your file system. I would recommend performing a File System Consistency Check (fsck) to identify and attempt to fix any issues that may be present in your system:

You may also want to consider performing a Clean Installation on a new Linode, transferring all the necessary files to that new server, and then swap IPs to retain your original IPv4 address. Given the downtime this issue has created, you may also want to look into our automatic Backup Service or explore alternative ways to make your data more resilient:

It never hurts to have a robust and proactive Disaster Recovery Plan in-place.

Although our Support Team may not be able to directly take action or help reconfigure your system, you are always welcome to open a ticket in Cloud Manager so that we can review the health of the host and check logs to which you may not otherwise have access.


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