linode clone for subdomain

I cloned a linode that has my staging environment, currently the subdomain is

Now I want the new linode to point to

I have made changes to the nginx.conf since it is run with django. I enabled in sites-enable, but I receive error 500 and I cannot determine what it is

2 Replies

I am not an expert in website configuration, but from what I have read, you would need to create an A record for your new Linode pointing to the domain and alter your virtual host file that Nginx uses in order to have your domain resolve to a specific directory on your Linode. There are a few excellent posts about this like these here:

Thanks for answering.

The application is in django, it runs with gunicorn, and the code is in home/deploy.

I have modified sites-available/default for the url I want, but it does not work


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