Seting up a second page in one linode?

I have a Linode dedicated - is it possible, to set up a second website (Joomla) inside this?

Currently a wordpress is running.

But i need to set up an additional joomla website - but i already miss settings like dns, database …

It is different to all other hosters i know - thank you for your help.

2 Replies

I am less familiar with Joomla, but with WordPress specifically we have had an identical question to this asked in the past with some pretty high quality answers/responses, such as this one:

The process of getting multiple sites setup and working on a single compute instance that is running a CMS may be a bit cumbersome, because the primary advantage of using a CMS such as WP or Joomla is ease of access and updating content or services on for a single site, and so the CMS makes some assumptions (primarily that you will only be hosting a single site).

Usually when you start needing to host multiple sites you have to get a little more creative with it and start doing things like installing the CMS manually in a separate location/directory on the compute instance itself, which can also present potential problems down the line (depending on if certain processes or updates are expecting the install location to be in the default directory).

All that being said, it is definitely possible. Doing some quick research it looks like Joomla has some extensions that aid in this process, which you can see on Joomla's official website here:

Beyond that, Joomla's official documentation has information on how to accomplish this goal here:!_installation

If you run into further issues with getting this set up, you may also want to check out Joomla's forums, since the users and support team over there will likely be very familiar with these sort of issues:

I hope that helps!


Thank you very much for your feedback.

Basically i am not new in working with wordpress or joomla - i am just new on linode.

So it is not the question, how to setup or update those systems … it is knowledge in linode.

I did not find any --- ftp-access (to setup the different pages in different folders)
I did not find any stting in case of a database (wordpress needs one - and a second one for joomla) - where is the setup located?

And at least - where and how to configure (or get data) how to access the "sites" … as the domains are in antoher domain-hosting-locations and i can setup the a-records … which ones - where to get the factrs, of the ip-address … mappings to the different pages.

I have some other hosters - all there it is easy - but linode seems to be special - of course i know the hig quality and some more points of this service.

Thanks a lot for getting deeper info.


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