CI/CD gitlab linode clone

Currently I have two (2) environments, prod and stage, I want to have a third which I am creating from the staging clone. In both environments the pipelines are already configured and work correctly.

The project is run with nginx. What changes should I make for the third environment so that the deploy works?

2 Replies

I haven't used this myself and I don't have enough information from the question to do much research.

  • Can you explain more about what you're trying to accomplish?
  • What concerns do you have?
  • What will be the purpose of the 3rd environment?
  • Is there something specific to Linode that you're wondering about?

To see what might help to get more responses, I recommend checking out the post about Asking Good Questions. This explains what information may lead to better outcomes in a forum like this.

Otherwise, it might be helpful to check Gitlab resources since everyone there will be familiar with that product. Here are some links that may help.

Hopefully someone else here will better understand your needs and respond, but if you can provide more information, we'd be happy to take another shot at researching for you to try to help.

I want to create a new environment called development, but this environment would work with a url that is

currently the other two linodes working with the url and

As an easy solution I thought about cloning staging and just changing the url to

But it gave me a 500 error, but I can't identify why.


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