My Linode CPU suddenly won't run at all

hello there,
I want to ask, why is my Linode CPU suddenly not running (0%), thus making my website inaccessible. what should i do?

1 Reply

Your Linode's CPU usage is likely reflecting as 0% because an application is not running as opposed to your CPU not being allowed to run. I would encourage you to review the following guide to make sure that all necessary applications are running for your web server to resume functioning:

If you are encountering any difficulties with a program that has not started automatically on-boot or has unexpectedly stop, you can attempt to start/restart or troubleshoot using the following commands:

  • Check the status of the Application/Service:
sudo systemctl status $APPLICATION
  • Start or Restart your Application/Service:
sudo systemctl start $APPLICATION


sudo systemctl restart $APPLICATION
  • Stop your Application/Service:
sudo systemctl stop $APPLICATION
  • Enable your Application/Service to automatically start after a reboot:
sudo systemctl enable $APPLICATION
  • Check the system error logs for the specific Application/Service:
journalctl -xe

It may also be beneficial to review this guide on what to do if your Linode becomes unreachable following major changes or system maintenance:

Although our Support Team won't be able to take server-internal or administrative action for you, it can also be helpful to open a ticket in Cloud Manager so that we can rule out issues with our infrastructure and provide topical guidance.


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