Traefik with lobe-hub

Hi all! Apologies in advance..bit of a noob Docker and TLS question.. I'm hoping to set up my linode server with Traefik so i can serve a few docker containers over HTTPS. The main one i'm focused on is lobehub/lobe-chat. It's a docker container for a great AI GUI which allows you to add a ton of different AI providers if you have their API keys. I can get things up and running without the TLS, but wow, i cannot seem to get the TLS certificate installed via Traefik (Traefik says their docker container can handle the automated Let's Encrypt process.) I can do the normal Certbot process and get the certificate from Let's Encrypt just fine, but if i do that, i'm not sure how to change my traefik yml file to accommodate.

Any chance someone at Linode might be willing to do a guide for this? :)

Thank you all!

1 Reply

I found the following Traefik documentation that appears to go into more detail about how to modify your compose file to handle LetsEncrypt TLS creation:

This would also be helpful information to include in our own Traefik ingress guide, so I've reached out to our Documentation Team to see if it can be added!

I'm personally more familiar with NGINX-Proxy-Manager and would recommend that as an alternative application for handling reverse proxy and SSL/TLS management:


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