unable to create managed database instances using terraform

I'm trying to deploy managed database using terraform.

Both mysql and postgress failed saying the resource not found.

Resource I'm trying to use are

1> resource "linode_database_mysql"
2> resource "linode_database_postgresql"

error I'm seeing :

linode_database_mysql.azure-mysql-db: Creating…

│ Error: failed to create mysql database: [404] Not found

│ with linode_database_mysql.azure-mysql-db,
│ on mysql.tf line 15, in resource "linode_database_mysql" "azure-mysql-db":
│ 15: resource "linode_database_mysql" "azure-mysql-db" {

1 Reply

Linode Staff

At this time, Managed Databases are not available except for existing customers who had already deployed them. As stated on the Managed Database product page, the existing Managed Database service is being improved to better align with the growing needs from our customers:

Due to this, new deployments of the service have been paused as we work to improve it, and signing up for information on that page, (as well as following our blog) is the best way to get any and all news related to future iterations of it:

That being said, I passed along your request to create a DB to our team. This way the relevant teams can keep this in mind as we continue to improve our infrastructure and services. I do not have a time for when this feature will be implemented, but the announcement would likely be in our blog.


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