How to open Revers DNS without VPN

I have a problem when I open reverse DNS on by laptop browser it works well, but it doesn't work on by phone browser unless I open the VPN app.

2 Replies

When I have tried to run it on laptops it works well. but by phone browsers, I don't work.

Based on this forum post, there are a number of possible reasons why your website may not open without a use of a VPN:

  • Geographic Restrictions: Users' access to certain websites is restricted according to their location. These restrictions can be circumvented with a VPN by masking your IP address.

  • Internet Service Provider (ISP) Blocking: Certain websites may be blocked by your ISP. You can get around these restrictions by utilizing a VPN.

  • DNS problems: It's possible that your DNS setup is restricted or misconfigured. VPNs usually use different DNS servers, thus access is possible even if your ISP's DNS is restrictive.

  • Firewall Rules: A portion of your traffic can be blocked, depending on your firewall or network settings. VPNs are used to get around these restrictions.

For more assistance on identifying the possible cause of the problem, I suggest reviewing over the following guides:


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