✓ Solved

When is the eu-west (London) region coming to Object Storage

The only service I'm currently relying on over at AWS is S3 due to the fact that we still don't have this availability zone over here… I have noticed in the last couple of months, more and more regions have been added, but still no UK zone. Is this currently being worked on, or can I expect a longer wait?

7 Replies

✓ Best Answer

I think that your point about compliance is really important. While I'm sure it's something we've considered, I've passed along this feedback to make sure that our product development teams understand the issues created by not having Object Storage available in the UK. While there is no guarantee it will happen, we're always happy to let the right teams know what customers want and why it matters. Thanks for letting us know!

Offering Object Storage out of London is not currently on our roadmap, but I think this is a great suggestion and have passed along your request to our team. This way the relevant teams can keep this in mind as we continue to improve our infrastructure and services.

I do not have a time for when this feature will be implemented, but the feedback provided is invaluable to us and we want to ensure your voice is heard. I recommend reviewing our Blog from time to time in case there may be any news on this.

Yeah, I mean… about a year ago, there was only a handful of EU zones available, right now, it seems like one of the only missing ones is London (or some UK-based zone).

I get it that is not the end of the world, but it would be nice to have all services on a single provider, instead of having to maintain an AWS account solely for Object Storage…

Also I wanted to point out that this is a matter of compliance, EU rules are no longer the same as UK rules, specifically talking about data protection… so, seems like a bit of an oversight.

Thanks for answering, you made my day.

Seems really strange that they wouldnt have other regions on the roadmap for Object Storage.

BTW Im in the same situation in Oceania/Australia. I work with mainly Government clients in NZ/AU and they will not allow their data to be stored in other regions.

With the new gb-lon region, is there an ETA for Object storage to be in the new "Core" region?


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