no domain name registered

I do not have domain name registered I would like to use the one issued from linode the name to my instance "" how can i configure the dns so pointing apache to my instance to publish dhis2

1 Reply

In case you may be unaware, in the future, we will be phasing out and and will stop serving records for those domains for new Linodes and NodeBalancers. At that point, you will no longer be able to access or use your Linodes and NodeBalancers using or, respectively, and will be required to use your new domain on You can read more about this in the following article:

Although it is convenient to use our domain, there are some caveats you should keep in mind. I recommend reviewing this Quora post before proceeding.

In regards to your request, although this Community post is older, the information that is provided goes over how to set up an Apache Web server using your IP address:


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