Problems with Rack Server and Linode Cloud Hosting. Any Advice?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently facing some issues with my rack server setup and a Linode product. I'm relatively new to managing both hardware and cloud services in this capacity and could really use some advice from those more experienced.

Here are some details about my setup:

Rack Server: Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650, Dual Intel Xeon Gold 5218, 64GB RAM, 2x 1TB NVMe SSD
Linode Product: Linode Cloud Hosting

The Issues:

Connectivity Problems: I'm experiencing intermittent connectivity issues between my rack server and Linode Cloud Hosting instances. This affects data transfer and remote management.
Performance Issues: The performance of applications running on Linode Cloud Hosting seems inconsistent. There are occasional slowdowns and unexpected resource spikes.
Configuration Challenges: I'm having trouble with the initial configuration and integration of Linode Cloud Hosting with my on-premises infrastructure. The documentation is helpful but can be a bit overwhelming.

Steps I've Taken:

Verified network settings and firewall configurations on both the rack server and Linode instances
Ensured that the latest updates and patches are applied to both systems
Followed the setup guides provided by Linode
Despite these efforts, the issues persist. Has anyone else encountered similar problems with Linode Cloud Hosting? Are there specific settings or configurations I should be aware of? Any troubleshooting tips or resources you could recommend would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!

3 Replies

Hybrid setups using a mixture of cloud and on-prem hardware are definitely doable, but definitely can run into connectivity issues considering the gear is not local to each other. It's a good sign that the issue is intermittent since this generally helps to confirm that your firewall and other configuration is correct and that the issue would be caused by networking errors.

One of the best ways to identify routing issues or undue latency would be to open a ticket with Support to provide the bi-directional output of verbose MTR reports. The general syntax we request is performed for nearly two minutes and provides details about latency, packet loss, and each hop along the way:

From your computer/server to your Linode:

mtr -rwbzc100 $IP_ADDRESS

From your Linode to your computer/server:

mtr -rwbzc100 $IP_ADDRESS

*Making sure to use the public IP of your server.

For more information about using and interpreting MTR results, be sure to check out the following guide:

For more generalized network troubleshooting, you might also find this guide helpful:

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