✓ Solved

How do I boot from a clonezilla ISO?

I have migrated the essential parts of my Centos 7 VPS but I thought it best if I make a backup using Clonezilla. I created a raw disk and used dd to put an image of the Clonezilla ISO there. I created a new configuration that used full virtualization and booted using grub 2. I am able to successfully boot and am able to use glish to see and interact in a limited fashion but I have been unable to paste the password for my ssh server. When I ssh into a lish-console (copying and pasting is much easier in a normal terminal emulator), I get:

  Booting `Clonezilla live (VGA 800x600)'

vga=788 is deprecated. Use set gfxpayload=800x600x16,800x600 before linux
command instead.

Is it possible to pass the given grub option?

3 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Never mind. The difficulty with glish seems to be that once focus has moved to another window, it's not straightforward to get focus back to the cursor. So instead I boot and never leave the glish window and type the password manually.

Thanks for answering as well.

I also want to know it.


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