Package Updates available


I have two server instances of LINODE.
In Longview dashboard, I see the following message for ONE of the servers - "168 packages available", but not for the other.

We have not made any changes or installations for either of the server.

Could someone clarify if there is a default option available for the packages to be upgraded by default or on restart?

2 Replies

LongView only displays metrics about a Linode; we do not have any ways at this time to automate updates through LongView or Cloud Manager. That said, you can instead use a tool like unattended-upgrades to automate your system updating:

Be mindful that blindly updating all packages (versus select ones) can lead to dependency errors or break working setups if consideration is not given towards what packages need to be updated. Similarly, if not configured to occur during off-hours, daemon/service restarts can cause unanticipated downtime if you are not careful with your config.

Hi anoopprakash,

We have just come across the exact same issue. Just wonder if you manage to find out the cause of the your issue?
Thank you in advance.


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