Difficulty Deleting Account (poplinetina@gmail.com)

I'm writing to request assistance with my account (email: poplinetina@gmail.com). I'm currently trying to delete it, but I'm encountering some issues.

It's important for me to resolve this quickly as I have not made or received any payment receipt or credit points and am unable to pay for the services.
I'd appreciate it if you could guide me through the deletion process or confirm it has been completed. Additionally, I'd like to ensure no further charges will be incurred on this account.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


1 Reply

Linode Staff

If you're attempting to delete your account, it should delete any active services on it if you have any. A confirmation form should appear when you're attempting to cancel your account. You'll need to enter your Linode username in the first field and optionally enter any comments you’d like to leave in the second field. I recommend reviewing our Cancel Your Account guide for further instructions.

If this issue persists, I recommend reaching out to our Support team through the Cloud Manager to receive assistance with this issue.


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