How do I precisely duplicate linode instance in local container ?

is there a supported way to duplicate precisely local machines (non-linode) to match a production linode instance? e.g. use the same image to create my container locally that linode uses as well as have the package index files pulled from identical locations ?

would really love for apt upgrade to mean the same thing at the same time on both a local container (currently via canonical) and a linode instance (private? package index files).

1 Reply

You might be able to do this by copying your local disk image and by either uploading it directly to a running Linode or by following our instructions to boot a custom distribution:

If you are looking to use specific repositories for apt, this can be done by modifying the following file: /etc/apt/sources.list

For more detail about apt and package management in general, be sure to check out our Docs page:


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