✓ Solved

Unusual Increase in Global Network Transfer Pool Usage

I've noticed an unusual increase in my Global Network Transfer Pool usage this month. Today is only July 3rd, and I've already used 98% of my monthly allotment. I primarily use Linodes and Object Storage services. Upon checking, I found that all my Linodes have minimal network usage.

Has anyone else experienced a similar issue? Is there a way to identify which buckets or files in Object Storage are consuming the most bandwidth? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

1 Reply

✓ Best Answer

The network transfer usage of specific Linodes can be found on their respective Linode page by clicking on "Linodes" tab on the left-hand side of the Cloud Manager and then selecting the Linode in question. There is displays the network transfer used by that specific Linode as well as the total amount of network transfer which is available.

General information about network transfer usage and costs can be found at:

For information regarding a more granular look as to which Object storage buckets are contributing most to your network transfer usage/consumption you would need to open a support ticket:

I hope that helps!



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