I want my clone fully copied to a linode in the same account

I have cloned form another account to the new account. Now I want to use the original Linode in the new account as Test envirement and ther for I need the clone to be copied to the default Linode

1 Reply

Cloning itself is a once-and-done type of process; the new Linode is created from the original based on all the files present when the clone process is initiated. Once it has completed, the new Linode will be available only within the account that created it. That said, it certainly is possible to clone a Linode first and then transfer the service to a different account.

If you need to maintain synchronicity between the clone and the original server and you are in control of both accounts and Linodes, you can do this with the use of rsync. If this synchronization needs to routinely occur between these Linodes, you might want to setup an rsync cron job so that it's not a manual chore.

For more information about this, check out the following guides:


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