Strange CPU utilization


Most of the time, my CPU util was near zero, but since 12.00 CET (exactly), that is to say, since 5 hours ago, I have rather constant 1.5% utilization. In addition, it uploads at 6 Kb/s, and downloads at 4 Kb/s constantly.

The strange part of the story is that "uptime" gives me a 0.00, 0.00, 0.00. What do you think about this? Has a rootkit infected my server?

I am puzzled at how constant those rates are over time.



1 Reply

Do, as root or sudo, 'netstat -t -u -n -p', which will list all active connections, along with the process responsible. (You'll see some without a process that are in mode "TIME_WAIT". That's okay.) Determine whether or not the processes are valid and explain the traffic. If not, time to install a root kit checker. Not a bad idea anyway.


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