Outbound Transfer Overage?

I was charged extra for something itemized on my bill as "Outbound Transfer Overage". What is that? I can't find any information on what this is or what happened.

6 Replies

I got it too. It looks like several people were charged for phantom network traffic. I hope Linode will fix the error and refund everyone.

Same here on 2 different accounts.

There is a general investigation announced under Support Tickets, so it sounds like they know about it.

I came here looking for information about this too - small charges on both my Linodes (work and personal) but no alert email about approaching the threshold last month, and no increase in traffic that would explain a charge either. Fingers crossed for a quick fix there!

Since the creation of this post, we have opened a Status Page to address this known issue. We will be working to automatically reverse all incorrect charges related to this issue once the bug has been fully been mitigated.

I had an 18 cent overage on my account and the charge was already reversed. Found about this issue on Google.


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