Akamai kept taking my money but won't let me login to unsubscribe.

This is a clone account I created to raise my real account's problem. My original account has a subscription which I'm no longer have the need of use. So I want to unsubscribe, but Akamai won't let me.
Every time I try to log into my account, this shitty platform always takes me to a phone number verification page where I input my phone number and never get a verification code.
How the fuck am I supposed to unsubscribe when you won't let me login? This issue has been going on for months!!! Are you people trying to fraud my money?ưa

1 Reply

It sounds like you might be going to the "create a new account" page, rather than the login page, which is why you are having issues logging in.

I would recommend that you navigate to login.linode.com/login and enter your username/password there.

Alternately, if you are still having issues logging in, I would suggest you give Linode/Akamai a call at the numbers below:

U.S. 855-454-6633
Global +1-609-380-7100

They should be able to give you live support for the issue you are facing 24/7/365

I hope that helps!



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