getting access to the masto instance over web

I have pointed a subdomain in my dns provider to the ip of my masto node - but no go. Any suggestions?

2 Replies

If you are managing your DNS records at Linode through the DNS Manager then the first thing you would want to do is make sure that at your registrar that you are pointing the domain (or subdomain) to Linode's name servers.

After this, you would create the appropriate corresponding A/AAAA records for the domain/subdomain in question.

Once all of these changes have been made, it may take up to 48 hours for your DNS changes to follow propagate the web (due to cacheing at local DNS resolvers). If you are still having issues after having done these things, you may want to take a peek over at the troublehsooting DNS issues documentation.

I hope that helps!


For .no domains the domain name must be added to the nameservers beforehand. If you are using f.ex. Cloudflare this means you will have to complete the wizard there to add the domain, with checks failing, and make changes here afterwards. This is due to limitations in .no, and beyond our control.

Due to reasons beyond our control, it may take up to 24 hours before changes are visible to you and your users.


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