Cannot retrieve Wordpress passwords

After installing Wordpress from the Marketplace, I ssh in and run "cat /home/$USERNAME/.credentials" to retrieve Wordpress passwords, per the instructions. However, the $USERNAME variable is empty so there's no file found.

2 Replies

I was unable to replicate your error. I attempted to deploy a WordPress application through our Marketplace in our Chicago data center and was successful. I followed our Deploy WordPress through the Linode Marketplace guide and set up the application with only what was required. Afterwards, I waited 10-15 minutes for the application to complete its installation. You can verify if the installation is complete by running the following command:

grep -i 'installation complete' /var/log/stackscript.log

You should should get an output like this:

grep -i 'installation complete' /var/log/stackscript.log
Installation Complete

From there, you should see the following output once WordPress has installed successfully:

Akamai Connected Cloud Wordpress Marketplace App
App URL: https://$
Credentials File: /home/$User/.credentials

I recommend reviewing our Deploy WordPress through the Linode Marketplace for guidance as well as our How can I troubleshoot a Marketplace App for additional troubleshooting tips.

Thanks to the suggestions of Support Lead Tim L. I was able to solve my problem. His suggestion was to delete all A records and start the Wordpress deployment from the Marketplace from the beginning. This worked, but I still had to figure out how to retrieve the Wordpress credentials. The ssh command cat /home/$USERNAME/.credentials does not work, as the $USERNAME variable is empty. I navigated to the correct home folder manually using the limited sudo account I set up during the deployment to retrieve the .credentials file.


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