Request Timeout but LISH is working fine

Hi all,

My webpage is down because it "This site can’t be reached", I can't ping from the terminal nor SSH to it, but if I use LISH is okay, it was working fine a few days ago, what's going on and what can I do?

ping result was all packets loss


3 Replies

We have a few helpful troubleshooting guides that could help, that I'll share below. In addition to what's suggested in those, I wanted to suggest seeing if the issue is happening everywhere.

First, you can use a DNS Checking site to make sure that your DNS records are propagated everywhere.

Next, you can use a site like to see if your IP is reachable from different locations.

Finally, you can see if your site is loading in different locations with sites like

If you find that your site is working better in some places than others, I recommend collecting bidirectional MTRs using the syntax sudo mtr -rwbzc100 $IP and opening a Support Ticket sharing those MTRs.

If it's completely down, I'd recommend checking out the following guides for additional help:

Troubleshooting Firewalls
Troubleshooting Web Servers, Databases, and Other Services
Troubleshooting Basic Connection Issues

ok so, geopeeker do show my website in other regions does that mean it is my current network that has some firewall settings that block me from visiting it?

It's not possible to say what's causing it with the information we have. If you open a Support ticket with the MTRs described in both directions, we can investigate further. It's possible that the route between the IP and different regions is having trouble, which is something we may be able to address with that information.


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