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Is there an easy way to upgrade my Gitea install?

A couple of years ago, I used the Marketplace to deploy Gitea 1.13.0 to a new server. Now, Gitea is up to 1.22.0, and I would like to take advantage of the new features. Since, I used the Marketplace to install it, is there and easy way to upgrade to 1.22.0?

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Gitea is installed as a local binary, so you will need to download the latest bin package to update the app. Since everything related to system prep has already been handled during the Marketplace provisioning, it's pretty simple to upgrade Gitea. I replicated these steps myself since Gitea is provisioned with version 1.13.0, so without further ado, here's how to upgrade:

Stop Gitea:

sudo systemctl stop gitea

Download the newest/desired version binary:

wget -O gitea https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/1.22.0/gitea-1.22.0-linux-amd64
chmod +x gitea

Note from the Gitea Devs: The binary package must be named gitea; do not add version numbers, for example.

Move the newer version of Gitea to the existing local user binary directory:

cp gitea /usr/local/bin/gitea

Refresh your system daemons and Start Gitea:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start gitea

You can then confirm the upgrade was successful with the command: gitea --version:

Gitea version 1.22.0 built with GNU Make 4.3, go1.22.3 : bindata, sqlite, sqlite_unlock_notify


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