Website Edit not working on Linode / Odoo v 17

I already have a v15 Odoo site that I installed via Linode Marketplace and it works fine.

I am trying to setup an additional site again via a new Linode markeplace setup of Odoo (v17). Installs find etc and you can go into Odoo and start setting up you information. However, for some reason when you select the option to edit your website it will not load (you just get the continuous spinning circle). I have seen a few things online of people experiencing same/similar, however, I have yet to find a fix for this.

Anyone have any ideas / suggestions?

1 Reply

This could be due to several reasons, and here are some troubleshooting steps and suggestions to resolve the issue:

  1. Check Server Resources: Ensure that your Linode instance has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, disk space). Sometimes, inadequate resources can cause certain functionalities, like the website editor in Odoo, to fail to load properly.
  2. Odoo Logs: Check the Odoo logs for any errors or warnings that might indicate what is causing the issue. Logs are usually located in /var/log/odoo or similar directory on your Linode. Look for any relevant error messages that could provide clues.
  3. Database Integrity: Verify the integrity of your Odoo database. Sometimes, database corruption or inconsistencies can affect specific functionalities. You can use Odoo's built-in database management tools or tools like pgAdmin (if using PostgreSQL) to check and repair the database.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, it may be beneficial to reach out to Linode support or Odoo community support for further assistance. They may have specific insights or solutions based on similar cases reported by other users.


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