What's the best way to set up a mostly-VPN-only environment in Linode?

I'm considering spinning down our aging physical infrastructure. Like many SMBs you can imagine, it's an external firewall/router that also acts as a VPN concentrator sitting on public IP space, and everything else sitting in private space behind it, inaccessible other than tcp(80,443) on the web server that's NAT'ed to the outside world.

What's the "right way" to do this in a Linode environment? To allow our roaming users to be able to log into a VPN and get access to all the various things behind the firewall, but to not have them hanging out in public space?

1 Reply

This sounds like a perfect use-case for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)! In short, it will allow you to deploy your backend infrastructure with or without publicly accessible IPv4 addresses accessible through a single Linode you configure as your frontend.

NAT Gateways will be supported in future versions of VPC, but this current limitation can be overcome through the use of a VPN as you've described:

For more information about how to begin configuring your VPC environment, be sure to check out the following guides:


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