Does Linode accept the Redotpay card ?

I can't buy with my normal debit card because my country stopped buying things with dollar while using a normal egp wallet, was wondering if you guys accept payment using the Redotpay card ? here's the website for it if you don't know it
Please tell if you accept this specific card because its too much work to actually setup and i wanna know beforehand, thanks in advance.

1 Reply

Linode Staff

We accept the following payments:

  • Credit card: Pay using all popular credit (and debit) cards, including those issued by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and UnionPay.
  • Google Pay: Pay using a credit card, debit card, or PayPal through your Google Pay account. Paying with your Google Pay balance or any associated bank accounts are not supported at this time.
  • PayPal: Pay using your PayPal balance, a credit (or debit) card, or bank account through your PayPal account.
  • Check, ACH, or wire transfer: Please contact Support if you wish to pay through one of these methods.

This information can also be found in our Billing Documentation. That said, I do not see Redotpay as a form of payment method that we accept, but if it has a Visa or Mastercard logo on the card, it is likely that it can be used. Please check with your bank if necessary. (Note: We are not equipped to accept cryptocurrency at this time.)


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