How does Linode dispose of data?

Hello, when I click Delete on a Linode, what steps are taken to dispose of the data that was stored on that server?

4 Replies

When you delete a compute instance from your account, its disk images are securely deleted on the host prior to the underlying storage being made available for another compute instance to use.

If you still feel a little paranoid, or want to take additional steps to ease any remaining uneasiness, there is a really great stackexchange post on scrubbing VPS data which you may be interested in here:

I should mention that the above post is definitely overkill, but I figure anyone asking these sort of questions would probably prefer that. :)

More general information on Linode's data processing can be found on Linode's Legal pages for its Master Provider Agreement here:

I hope that helps!


Thanks, is there any more specific info on the deletion method or the standard it conforms to?

This is for clients of ours that need an answer for their security compliance checks.

You can check out the following Akamai page for a full list of our Security Compliances:

If you need more detailed information, requirements vary per compliance document and data center, so we encourage you to open a ticket to discuss this further with our Support Team.

Thank you so much for the number.


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