My website is slow only with a particular ISP (JIO Netwrok)


This is my first time posting here so please pardon any mistakes.

I have my website hosted on Linode and DRUPAL CMS. Recently I have noticed my website behaving very strangely. At random times the website becomes slow. Here are the things I have tried

  1. Different browser
  2. Different computer
  3. Cleared cache
  4. Upgraded the server

Nothing seems to solve the problem. When I noticed my website to be slow I tried opening other websites like geeksforgeeks, quora, etc and everything worked fine.

Also, this problem is not consistent with time and appears at random times in a day.

Later I noticed that this problem only exists with a particular internet provider namely JIO. This network is the most popular one in India and I have a majority share of my audience from India. Here is a ping test showing my website and Reddit on both JIO network and another network (ACT) network


My load average: 0.44, 0.6, 0.57
Total: 31G
used: 23G
free: 2.0G
shared: 157M
buff/cache: 5.7G
available: 7.1G

How can I solve this problem with my website being slow on a particular ISP? Where should I look?

1 Reply

If the issue is with JIO's network, it's possible that we may not be able to help.

That said, if you can run MTR reports between your Linode and a computer that is using that ISP, you can share that with both our Support team and JIO's Support and see if either side can provide help.

While logged into your Linode:

mtr -rwzbc100 <desktop.IP.Address>

While logged into your desktop/server using JIO:

mtr -rwzbc100 <linode.IP.Address>

This syntax is useful for getting either team enough information to locate where the problem lies on the route. Once you have that information, feel free to open a Support Ticket and copy and paste the response using Markdown for code blocks or share by attaching a screenshot to the ticket.

If there is an issue in how the traffic leaves our Data Center, we may be able to help. If the issue is outside our Network, it's unlikely we'll be able to provide assistance, but we're happy to take a look.


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