added a volume to store my DB but it says that is full when loading the backup

i have one linode server of 25GB, and attached a volume of 50GB, i already moved de mariadb folders to the new volumne (/mnt/data), my DB is around 12gb, i copied my backup to the volume, and when i try to load de data into the DB it throws this "ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 4589: The table 'XXXXX' is full"

when i check the space used with df, it says that the 25GB (of my linode server) are used 100%, what i'm doing wrong?

i have another linode server with 80GB, i didn't use a new volume, and i was able to load the DB

1 Reply

Did the steps you took to set your DB up on the Block Storage Volume closely resemble the steps listed in the following Linode Community Site post?

Once you are sure you have followed the steps listed there, if you are still having issues with data storage capacity on your new volume, you will want to make sure the configuration of your MariaDB application are correct. The most obvious concern is where your DB is configured to automatically save new data. With MariaDB, the data directory location is controlled by the datadir variable. Look at your /etc/mysql/my. cnf file to see where your installation of MariaDB is configured to store data, and make sure that variable has been updated to the path to your block storage volume's data directory.

I hope this helps!



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