outlook.com blocking ip address

I have an SFP record
I have a rDNS record
But microsoft outlook is still blocking my IP.

Any help would be great. Domain is plcb.ca

Here is the message from outlook.com

Hi ,

Thanks for your patience while we investigated your request.

Below your IP address(es) and their status(es) are listed.

Not qualified for mitigation;

The IP(s) above do not qualify for mitigation.

Please note: This outcome indicates behavior that misses standards; please review Improving E-mail Deliverability into Windows Live white paper for helpful tips.

Still need help?

If you have additional questions, are still experiencing deliverability issues or want further investigation, please reply to this email with the following information and an advocate will respond to you by via email.
Relevant IP addresses(es)
Detailed description of the problem you are having
specific error message(s)

Recommended actions and resources to improve your deliverability:

Maintaining or improving a good IP reputation requires vigilance and oversight with no fail-safe remedy. Please refer to this link for more information Outlook.com Postmaster

Thanks again,

Outlook.com Deliverability Support

Your service request number is 7042197603 if you need it.

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One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052 USA

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