On Linode, how do I prevent redirection

Hello community!I'm having an issue with a Moodle image instance running on Linode. The primary DNS is correctly resolving to the server's IP address but when Moodle's homepage loads, a url redirection to the server's reverse DNS occurs?

You can go to lms.padf.org to see exactly what is occuring.

Thank you.

1 Reply

The primary DNS is correctly resolving to the server's IP address but when Moodle's homepage loads, a url redirection to the server's reverse DNS occurs?

I tested this out by deploying Moodle from our Marketplace app and it seems to be working as intended. In case you're unfamiliar with how rDNS works, Reverse DNS (rDNS) lookup is the inverse process, where an IP address resolves to a domain name. Reverse DNS uses a pointer record (PTR) to match an IP address with a domain or subdomain. Which occurred in your situation when you've entered your IP address and it redirected to lms.padf.org. If you'd like to understand more about rDNS and DNS as a whole, I provided our guide below:

Since lms.padf.org is the domain where host your Moodle site, the installer created a DNS record for this domain during setup. Hopefully, this clears up any confusion.


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