How do I log into cloud manager without email?

I couldn't reach my email server hosted by you. When I tried to log into the cloud manager to diagnose the issue, I was told that I would have to enter a code sent to my email. I hope you can see the irony.

On the page where I have to enter the code (, there was a link labelled, "click here for other options." That link led to a 404.

I'm able to access my email now, but I'd like better options going forward.

1 Reply

This is a prime example of why we don't generally recommend self-hosting email addresses used for account/user settings since it can lead to lockout if the server is down. Since you wouldn't be able to send or receive mail including our emailed One-Time Pass (OTP) code, you should contact Linode Support using the form linked below:

In that form, you will need to provide the last six (6) digits of your card on-file, as well as an alternate personal email address so that we can temporarily update your account.

OTP codes are sent to accounts that haven't logged in in 90 days and do not have Two-Factor Authentication enabled. Aside from increased security, I personally recommend enabling 2FA since I find it easier to enter the auth token from my 1Password app than to wait for an email to arrive (or not).

You may also want to consider verifying a phone number so that we can authenticate you via SMS during phone calls. When this is enabled, it allows us to easily locate accounts and authenticate customers which can help us address your issues more rapidly.


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