Deploying an ingress-nginx to LKE failing.

I have an LKE cluster that stopped working this evening. With no changes on my part, the ingress stopped forwarding traffic. Not sure why, but I killed it and it wouldn't restart, with this error:

{"err":"Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout","level":"fatal","msg":"error getting secret","source":"k8s/k8s.go:2

I contacted support and they asked me to verify the ingress config .. I originally installed it with helm so I did a helm uninstall and helm install again:

helm install --namespace default ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --debug

And this fails, after a while, with this error (end of the log snippet):

client.go:740: [debug] Add/Modify event for ingress-nginx-admission-create: MODIFIED
client.go:779: [debug] ingress-nginx-admission-create: Jobs active: 1, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
client.go:740: [debug] Add/Modify event for ingress-nginx-admission-create: MODIFIED
client.go:779: [debug] ingress-nginx-admission-create: Jobs active: 1, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed pre-install: 1 error occurred:
    * timed out waiting for the condition

At this point, the ingress is created in the cluster, but the associated NodeBalancer is not created. Seems to me like something is going wrong provisioning the NodeBalancer.

Is this something I can fix or is this a Linode problem?


1 Reply

I was not able to recreate your exact issue, but I think in your situation that it would probably be helpful to see the output of kubectl get events

The helm timeout error you are receiving is generic in nature, but usually occurs when a pre-requisite task is not completed before the installation. In this case, looking at the kubectl events output should give more insight into exactly what the issue is here.

I personally find it helpful to add the --sort-by='{.lastTimestamp}' flag when parsing the events output because the last few events usually indicate what caused the timeout to occur.

I hope that helps!



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