IP Configration


1 Reply

IP configuration can definitely be a hassle, but for many people's use-cases you can simply rely on our Network Helper tool. By default, it is globally enabled and applies towards all newly deployed Linodes unless deactivated. When it is in use, every boot, Network Helper will attempt to generate a viable network configuration for your Linode.

For more information about using this tool, be sure to check out the following guide:

If your use-case instead requires you to create your own manual network configuration, Network Helper will need to be disabled for that Linode. Each Linux distribution has differing network configuration needs, so be sure to follow the link for your specific operating system in the Manual Configuration guide below:

Configuration and troubleshooting can be difficult when using SSH (Secure Shell) since you will lose connectivity if you misconfigure your network settings. Personally, whenever I need to manually modify my network configuration I use our LISH (Linode Shell) Console since it simulates a mouse-and-keyboard local connection that will not be disrupted if your network interface goes offline.

For more general information about how to troubleshoot network connectivity issues, be sure to check out our Troubleshooting guide below:

Otherwise, if you are having any other issues, be sure to provide as much information as possible. The more verbose your response, the better suited Linode Staff and Community members will be to assist you.


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