Ask about CPU cost calculation

I have 2 questions about CPU cost calculation:

1) At the beginning of the month, I turned on 1 CPU at a cost of $36. But I only use it for 2 days (That means I will delete it).
Is my next bill for $36 for this CPU?

2) Related to question 1.
If I turn on CPU at a cost of $36 => Delete this CPU after 2 working days => Create a new CPU for $36 => Delete CPU after 2 working days
=> The total cost I have to pay is $72, right?

3 Replies

From experience, you'll only be charged for the time the servers were in existence, so maybe around $2.40 rather than £36? If you know exactly how many hours they existed, you can use the "$/Hr" pricing rate to figure out the likely cost:

For example, I recently created a 4GB shared server for around 35 minutes to do some quick testing and that appeared as a $0.04 charge on my monthly bill.

Nail on the head Dave - All of our services are prorated for either their hourly or maximum listed price whichever is lower. This means that once the hourly cost were to exceed the monthly listed price (~28 days of deployment), you will only pay the maximum listed price.

There are some "exceptions" to this, namely exceeding your combined Network Allowance and short-lived deployment practices. In regards to the latter, Dave correctly pointed that the smallest amount of time our system charges for is one hour. There are certain use-cases like Kubernetes vertical scaling or deploying a high CPU/Memory plan for short-term calculations which may only require a Linode to be active for a few minutes. Even so, each respective Linode would still appear on your invoice as having been deployed for one hour.

@AnhNQ3, in addition to the Pricing Guide provided above, you may also wish to review our Understanding Billing and Billing FAQ for more information:

Thank you both very much!


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