Linode Kernerls disable SELINUX

I was experiencing the strangest issue: suddenly, SELinux was disabled. Even though /etc/selinux/config showed it was enabled, when I ran sestatus, it indicated otherwise. Despite reinstalling SELinux and trying different default kernels, the problem persisted. Finally, I went to the Configurations tab in the server manager and switched the kernel to GRUB 2, which resolved the issue. Why are Linode kernels permanently disabling SELinux?

2 Replies

Based on what I have found in our Documentation, our platform-maintained Linode Kernel does not support SELinux by default. As you have discovered, changing to an upstream kernel (like GRUB2) will allow you to make use of SELinux for your setup.

For more information about other differences in the kernels we offer, be sure to check out this other Community Post:

@monopoly go are there any potential drawbacks or considerations to keep in mind when making this switch?


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