Sudden 404 for my website and can't update with rsync

I host a website on Linode. I locally generate the website on my machine and upload it to Linode via rsync.

Since midnight, the website is a 404 and, if I try to upload the site, rsync is immediately closed.

I can regularly access Linode web interface and log in via ssh.

I didn't receive communications from Linode about some security issue or anywhere else.

I tried rebooting, without success. What's happening?

2 Replies

Issue solved. Sorry for bothering. The site folder was deleted at midnight. The mystery is, I wasn't working and couldn't make some mistake. Anyway, I fixed things manually.

Issue solved. Sorry for bothering. The site folder was deleted at midnight. The mystery is, I wasn't working and couldn't make some mistake. Anyway, I fixed things manually.


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