setup rDNS when using whn/cpanel?

I Hope everyone is doing well.

Having difficulty getting reverse dns to show my hostname

Asked Linode support and for a pretty fundamental part of running this system, they said to ask here. Surprised they didn't have the slightest hint on what to do. Maybe time to move on to elsewhere, I dunno.

In any event, the domains are running in whm/cpanel and linode is my bare metal. When I run "host" from command line it still returns the domain name and not the hostname which should be

whm/cpanel tech support says this needs to be resolved on the bare metal, not with them.

I have set the rDNS in the network tab to but it's not propograing.

Any help very much appreciated.

1 Reply


Can you send me screenshots of your network configuration? Also, did you ensure that "" points to the right IP address?

You can also use this command to resolve the IP's hostname.

dig -x +short


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