SSL Error when using wget on a Linode Ubuntu vm vs no error on local

I have a problem and I'm not sure what to do … I use MailerSend service to send emails and the web app is deployed to an Ubunntu server.
Today I started seeing a lot of errors because of SSL connection.
If I wget on the Linode: wget I get "ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by ‘CN=E1,O=Let's Encrypt,C=US’:
Issued certificate has expired."

But if I run the same command on my machine, it works correctly.

Their certificate renewed today. Do any of you have any idea what can I do?

Thank you

1 Reply

I was not able to recreate what you're seeing here. I tried from various data centers and distributions and I confirmed the certificate is working from each place I tried. If you're still having trouble I have a few possible suggestions.

First, I recommend looking into what version of wget you're using on both machines to see if there is a difference. It's possible that using an older version or a very new version with a bug that hasn't been identified yet is the cause of the discrepancy. You can find that with this command:

wget --version

If you find that they are different versions, you can try upgrading or downloading the same version onto your Linode as your local computer is using.

I'd also recommend trying to curl the site or otherwise connect to see if the issue is only caused by certain commands or certain flags for those commands. For example, we've seen issues in the past with customers not able to use wget on certain distributions without forcing it to use IPv4 because of how the website was configured, so adding -4 to the command resolved their issue.

Finally, you can using the verbose (-v) or debug (-d) flags for this command to get more information. You can use wget --help to get more information how to get the command to provide more information for you.

Hopefully this resolved itself after some time. If you're still having this issue, and get additional information from thos commands, feel free to share and see if someone can provide a more concrete answer.


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