The wordpress app in marketplace seems to be not working again

Hi all,

I am new to Linode.
When I creates a wordpress app from the marketplace.

The wordpress admin page cannot pop-up
Also, the credentials.txt is also missing.

I try to look into the LISH console and found that the service is not fully installed.

Here is the log

ERROR! the role 'PROVISIONER-WEBSERVER-STACK' was not found in /tmp/marketplaces

The error appears to be in '/tmp/marketplace-apps/apps/linode-marketplace-wordpy
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

    # provioner will update with desired stack
      ^ here

How can I solve this issue?


3 Replies

Hey Lobo! I just tested this out, and the issue seems to stem from how our Marketplace Deployment pauses to verify that any DNS entries have properly propagated.

DNS propagation is not an immediate process and can take a few minutes before the provisioning script sees the DNS entry is valid before it proceeding to complete the installation. Additionally, be aware that all Marketplace deployments take time to provision all of the corresponding software, and during that time, you should not attempt to interact with the applications nor should you reboot your Linode until the process completes.

In general, I recommend waiting at least 5-10 minutes, although the total time will vary. During my test deployment, I opened the LISH (Linode Shell) Console to watch the progress and I waited to interact with the new Wordpress Linode until it printed the message Installation Complete! in the shell.

For more information about how to WordPress and perform the configuration after it completes, be sure to check out the following guide:


I have waited for 36 minutes but I still don't see any progress…

Should I delete all of my previous domains and linodes before starting a new instance?


Behind the scenes, every action you take in Cloud Manager is performed by making backend API calls. In short, a Marketplace deployment will take your submitted info (known as user-defined fields or UDF) and pass that info through the API to perform your specified actions.

When deploying WordPress for example, you enter your API token with DNS permissions and specify the Domain and Subdomain UDFs in Cloud Manager. If you watch the deployment/provisioning process directly through the console (LISH/GLISH), you can actually see the stages where your new Linode attempts to validate the DNS entry created during the deployment process before creating the credentials .txt.

This DNS creation process is simplified such that when you enter a domain/subdomain into the Marketplace UDF, it can only attempt to create a new entry and is unable to replace IP information for existing entries. All this to say, the process of creating a new DNS entry will fail if there is already an existing entry with the same name so yes you should delete previous DNS entries.

Deleting the failed Linodes is not necessary for future attempts to work, although we still charge the hourly cost of Linodes that are active on the account, regardless of power state:


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