How do I get a list of all of the current plan types?

Linode Staff

I've been able to see all of the available plans, but not the names they use in the API. It would be nice to have a handy reference sheet somewhere without having to issue an API call expressly for this purpose. Anybody know if that'a available someplace?

1 Reply

It looks like the only wayto get that information (and in a nice table) is through the Linode CLI at present, with the following command:

linode-cli linodes types

I would paste the resulting table here for easy reference, but the formatting width (even in code blocks) is too narrow. Instead, I'll pull out the plan names and their corresponding labels for CLI/API calls and paste them below (note: these are only current as of March 17th 2024, and are subject to change any time after I post this):

  "Nanode 1GB",                      "g6-nanode-1",
  "Linode 2GB",                      "g6-standard-1",
  "Linode 4GB",                      "g6-standard-2",
  "Linode 8GB",                      "g6-standard-4",
  "Linode 16GB",                      "g6-standard-6",
  "Linode 32GB",                      "g6-standard-8",
  "Linode 64GB",                      "g6-standard-16",
  "Linode 96GB",                      "g6-standard-20",
  "Linode 128GB",                      "g6-standard-24",
  "Linode 192GB",                      "g6-standard-32",
  "Linode 24GB",                      "g7-highmem-1",
  "Linode 48GB",                      "g7-highmem-2",
  "Linode 90GB",                      "g7-highmem-4",
  "Linode 150GB",                      "g7-highmem-8",
  "Linode 300GB",                      "g7-highmem-16",
  "Dedicated 4GB",                      "g6-dedicated-2",
  "Dedicated 8GB",                      "g6-dedicated-4",
  "Dedicated 16GB",                      "g6-dedicated-8",
  "Dedicated 32GB",                      "g6-dedicated-16",
  "Dedicated 64GB",                      "g6-dedicated-32",
  "Dedicated 96GB",                      "g6-dedicated-48",
  "Dedicated 128GB",                      "g6-dedicated-50",
  "Dedicated 256GB",                      "g6-dedicated-56",
  "Dedicated 512GB",                      "g6-dedicated-64",
  "Dedicated 32GB + RTX6000 GPU x1",      "g1-gpu-rtx6000-1",
  "Dedicated 64GB + RTX6000 GPU x2",      "g1-gpu-rtx6000-2",
  "Dedicated 96GB + RTX6000 GPU x3",      "g1-gpu-rtx6000-3",
  "Dedicated 128GB + RTX6000 GPU x4",      "g1-gpu-rtx6000-4",
  "Premium 4GB",                      "g7-premium-2",
  "Premium 8GB",                      "g7-premium-4",
  "Premium 16GB",                      "g7-premium-8",
  "Premium 32GB",                      "g7-premium-16",
  "Premium 64GB",                      "g7-premium-32",
  "Premium 96GB",                      "g7-premium-48",
  "Premium 128GB",                      "g7-premium-50",
  "Premium 256GB",                      "g7-premium-56",
  "Premium 512GB"                      "g7-premium-64"

You can do the same with linode-cli linodes types --json | jq ".|map(.id)" and some patient spreadsheet work :)


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