How to install nsc-3.0.17-5-GA.iso from Sangoma Technologies as a custom distribution?

Linode Staff

I'm trying to install nsc-3.0.17-5-GA.iso from Sangoma Technologies on a Linode following this guide to creating a custom distribution. For some reason, it keeps failing.

Is this supported on Linode's platform?

1 Reply

Following the guide for installing a custom distribution worked for me when testing this out.

I used curl rather than wget in the step for downloading the installer image, though I'm not sure that matters:

curl  | dd of=/dev/sda

The biggest issue we saw when trying to do this was running out of disk space, so make sure you choose a large enough plan when deploying your Linode.

If you intend to make the distro compatible with our platform, the smallest plan we successfully tested was our 4GB Shared Plan. That plan comes with 80GB of storage, and we were successful with the disk space allocated like this:

Installer - 3072
System1 - 39424
System2 - 39424

You may not require that much space, but I wasn't able to find documentation from Sangoma to say how much was needed. We didn't try every plan, but this was what worked in our tests.

There were a lot of options throughout this process and I can't say what the best ones are for your particular setup, but I found that I was able to set things up with the various configurations I tried.


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