Hod do I host a Node-Red instance on Linode ?

I'd like to have a Node-Red accessible over the internet. I created a simple Linode from a NodeJS package on the marketplace. (Ubuntu).
I installed node-red (as described here:https://nodered.org/docs/getting-started/raspberrypi).
Checking in the shh console I see, that it is running:
"Server now runnung at".

I'd like to access it using my Linode's ip, but it does not work:


Putting only MyLinodeIP in a browser gives back:
"404 Not Found
nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)"

What am I missing? Sorry I'am not an expert.
Thanks for any tips !


2 Replies

I'm personally unfamiliar with using NodeJS or Node-Red, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

One thing to definitely keep in mind is that Raspberry Pi uses a different architecture than most/all of the supported Linode distributions, so the installation process may not be one-to-one or even be successful. Additionally, it appears as though that the RPi installation guide has been taken down, so I've included Node-Red's Ubuntu installation guide, as well as their installation script for NodeJS systems:

Otherwise, in regards to setting up NodeJS and serving a webpage, another of our Community Team wrote a very thorough post which should hopefully point you in the right direction:

I was also able to find a Linode library plugin that is hosted by Node-Red that may be helpful for your use-case:

Thanks for your feedback. Well I have installed node-red before not only on raspberry, but also on notebook with linux debian, by using the same script, and it worked all the time.

"If you are on a Raspberry Pi or any Debian-based operating system, including Ubuntu and Diet-Pi, you can use the Pi install script available here."

bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered)

The install itself seemed to work, node-red should be accessible on local adress:

I think the issue is, that when I use my linode IP, the port 1880 is not forwarded. Where can I check port forwards for my linode ?


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