I am installing windows 11 with Community StackScripts, what should I do after submitting the form?

I am installing windows 11 with Community StackScripts, what should I do after submitting the form below?

I follow this tutorial but it uses windows server 2022, I need windows 11.

1 Reply

In the comments of the youtube video you shared, the creator of the video said that this method stopped working for a majority of users. I also wasn't able to get this working, but I do have some additional resources that could help you figure it out.

First, the Community StackScript you used is taken from this GitHub project, and there are some additional notes there, including information about connecting to the server with a remote desktop or the Linode GLISH, with some caveats.

The GitHub also explains some known issues and provides this note about Windows 11 specifically:

If installing Windows 11 you must provide your own valid ISO download URL. You may get a new URL by going to

It's hard to tell from your image exactly what your settings say, but it looks like you may already have that set up.

We also have some previous posts about Windows servers that could provide helpful information. This one seems like a good starting point.


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