redirect a subdomain to an external website

I tried putting my subdomain to what I wanted tgo, then in the IP address put the http address of where I wanted to direct. This is an external website not hosted by me, it is actually a discord server where I want to redirect. Linode gave me an error saying I needed an IP address. Since this is an https or http address, the IP will not work in this case. I also want to do web forwards to twitch and my youtube ETC . Is this possible with linode's dns manager? Ihave myh domain going through linode but registered with gandi. I should ad I used gandi's web forwarding to do this. When I go therre it says I need for example the following as a CNAME record.

twitch 10800 IN CNAME
So, I put twitch in the first field then what I assume is the place this thing is supposed to redirect which looks kind of odd to me and not like a web addrfess and chose the default as 10800 was not one of the options regarding that field. So how am I to get my web forwarding to work properly now?

Thanks so much.

1 Reply

You can definitely manage external DNS records through our Cloud DNS Manager as long as you have updated your registrar's name servers to use our own:

For more information about how to update this through Gandi, be sure to review the following guide:

Next, once you have created a Domain Zone in Cloud Manager, you will be able to begin creating DNS records. Since A/AAAA Records require you to map an entry directly to an IP address, you will instead need to create a Canonical (CNAME) Record which maps your domain name to another Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). Based on what I have read about Gandi's Web Forwarding, those entries just appear to be CNAMEs.

When creating a CNAME entry, you will use the following parameters:

  • Hostname: This is your primary or subdomain e.g.
  • Alias to: This is the domain to which you want to redirect your traffic e.g.
  • TTL (Time To Live): This determines how long DNS resolvers will cache your record. For most use-cases 5 minutes will be your best option, the default time is normally 24 hours which can cause issues if you are frequently making changes to your record(s).

Once the domain records propagate (usually between a five minutes to 1-2 hours locally, 24-48 hours globally) you will be able to redirect using your new CNAME.


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