Is it possible to budget a VM?

Meaning, its life span is dictated by my budget (i.e. an amount I am willing to spend). Post the budget the entire VM should be decommissioned. Is there any possibility of such kind of provisioning and still have the necessary experience of access to information regarding the expiry of VM, etc.

1 Reply

The easiest way to budget would likely be to figure out using the hourly rate when the server will hit your budget and set a reminder to Stop Further Billing before that date.

That said, you might be able to have your server deleted automatically when it hits a certain budget. While we don't have anything set up to do this for you, you may be able to create a script using our API.

I can't say exactly what you'd need to do here, but I can provide some resources to give you a starting point.

First, to find the uninvoiced charges for your account, you can use our Account View API call. You could likely script something that deletes the server with the API when that result hits a certain number.

If you set up a Cron Job on your computer to run the script often, that could likely do something close to what you're looking for.

I'm not quite sure what you mean here, but I wanted to try to address it:

and still have the necessary experience of access to information regarding the expiry of VM

If you delete your server, there will be a recovery image stored briefly, but this would not be a reliable way to maintain your data if that's what you're asking about. You'd likely want to look into a backup solution if you wanted the data from this server to persist even after you deleted it.


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