DKIM TXT correct syntax

DKIM is killing me lately. Can you help me withmy TXT settings and llet me know the correct syntax…

In hostname I need it to be

Am I correct in the host panel to just enter:
s1._domainkey ?

Also, do I :

"v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=longhashcontents"

with quotations, or without?

v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=longhashcontents

and are

v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa;

sufficient, or do they need altered?



does it need to have spaces removed or is this ok

"v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; p=longhashcontents"


Thank you I appreciate any help.

This has been a huge headache…

1 Reply

First, you are correct that you should not enter the domain with the host on our DNS Manager and should put s1._domainkey and the domain will automatically be appended.

Next, looking at our DNS Guide it does not appear that quotation marks should be used when creating the record.

Our examples in both that guide and our Community Site post about setting DKIM in our DNS Manager both look a little different than yours, and just provide the type of key, followed by the actual key, which is this part of your example:


The first part, v=DKIM1 is the version of DKIM. This forum suggests the default version is DKIM1, so you may not need it, but it does look like the syntax is correct. The accepted hash algorithms section, h=sha256, is also set to the default value.

I think what you have looks correct, but if you have trouble you can always try to just use the elements from our example to see if that makes a difference. Since the other values are the defaults, I don't believe it would cause any problems.

Once the DNS record has been entered and propagated and your mail server is configured to use it to sign emails, you can use a tool like MXToolbox to check the record to make sure everything looks good.


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