Test account or test environment

Hello, can you help me with the question what is the best option for testing and developing our webapp's app.nuvopos.com,webapp. etc. on away we can freely do this without risk for the live app's etc. wich we need every day.

5 Replies

I like your POS app - very slick!

Personally if this was my app, I would have a completely separate Linode for the test environment.

You could use the Backup Service to clone your production Linode to a new one and set up a new DNS entry “test.nuvopos.com” pointing to your cloned (test) Linode.

Alternatively, you could copy the app on your existing Linode, create a new DNS entry “test.nuvopos.com” pointing to the same Linode, and use Apache vhosts or Nginx servers to serve the test app (copy) on the test. hostname.

Hello thanks for your answer. How and where do I set up a new DNS entry when I have a clone.
Can you help me wit tihs?

When I start the clone then i get a message: Restore 210850 en Restore 300674' What does that mean?

Hello thanks for your answer. How and where do I set up a new DNS entry when I have a clone.
Can you help me wit this?
When I start the clone then i get a message: Restore 210850 en Restore 300674' What does that mean?

You can set up a new DNS entry in the DNS Manager. You'll want to create a new A record pointing to the clone's IP address as suggested by @andy_heathershaw.

You said:

"When I start the clone then i get a message: Restore 210850 en Restore 300674"

Can you elaborate on this a bit? If I had to guess, Restore 210850 and Restore 300674 are likely the used in the name of your compute instance's disk. They get named with this convention when you restore from a backup.

If your instance isn't booting after it's cloned, you should reach out to the Support Team in a ticket so they can take a look. Make sure you're following the right process for creating a clone since failing to power off the origin Linode can cause data corruption.


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